Monday, January 26, 2015

This almond milk recipe is delicious and easy!

Usually I am not a big fan of almond milk, but my friend Tess Masters's new book 'The Blender Girl' convinced me to give it a try.  Even though we omitted a few items we are thrilled with the way that it tastes and excited to have a new addition to our smoothies that we can make at home.  It also means we can do away with another store bought item with all the packaging and fossil fuels that come with it...and.. since the almonds are sprouted it's ALIVE!  We adapted the recipe a little and doubled it because we have a large family. Here's what we came up with. Hope you love it as much as we do!

Ingredients for 6 cups of almond milk:

2 cups of raw almonds
6 cups of filtered water
4-6 Tbs. sweetener of choice (we used Sorgum) we recommend maple syrup, honey or agave
Pinch of salt (we had Redmond's REAL salt)
2 tsp. vanilla
Milk bag or butter muslin (I heard panty hose work too)
Vita-Mix or blender

Soak 2 cups of almonds 8-12 hours or overnight

Rinse your almonds and put them in the blender with the water, salt, vanilla and sweetener then blend!

Pour almond milk into bag and strain

Enjoy as a refreshing drink or add it to your smoothies. YUM!

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